Saturday, November 27, 2010

Not much to update with, unfortunately, as finals continue to rage around me :/ Simply some figure drawings from in class on monday. I forgot how much I like drawing from a model. Also spent a good part of break rediscovering watercolor and wondering why I've been fighting with digital all semester when a) I like traditional media better b) I usually get better results with it.
But I digress.

Ooooohhh hands. I could spend all day drawing hands with vine charcoal. Maybe I will sometime.

 Also forgot how much I like (drawing) real boobs.

The breast on this is probably one of the best things I've ever drawn. <3

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Good morning, good morning

Wow, so I just figured out the following other blogs thing on here. Up until now I'd been bookmarking all of them in my browser and just checking them occasionally that way. :*

Unfortunately, not much to post, and I don't think there really will be much for the next couple weeks besides sketchbooks and personal stuff. I've had finals assigned in all of my classes now, but obviously there's still 3 or 4 weeks until the end of the semester when they're all due, which is probably when you can expect some project postings again.

That being said, I have a couple of (not super exciting) sketchbooks pages and digital things to post.

We had to draw people and plants interacting for illustration, so here's some quick sketches of thaaattt

Sketches and notes for my final illustration project  - we have to do a series of four illustrations for the story "The Circular Ruins" by Jorge Luis Borges (which I highly recommend reading if you can. It's pretty short and mind-blowing).

And two digital Homestuck doodles. In the future I might strictly regulate fanart to my tumblr but for now its okay here I guess. My justification for spending time on these is that its improving my digital drawing/ coloring skills. >>

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Drawing final in progress! I'm doing four 25" by 25" drawings/illustrations to go with the song Fairy Paradise by Cocorosie. So this is my room in studio mode Thursday night. You can see on my desk the inspiration for the style I'm using - a James Jean Fables cover hahaha so original again (the book's finally in reprint - I ordered it as soon as I found out and the it arrived last week <3). Also, I totally don't have a stolen haunted house poster.

And I don't really like posting projects before the crit for them, but my whole class is going to see this Monday anyhow, so here's the first one of four, finished. This is the water elemental.

Miscellaneous Illustrations

Illustration project for this week - a collaged illustration based on the T.S. Elliot poem "The Waste Land". We of course had a guest illustrator who came in for critique this week too, (Martin Wittfooth, who is amazing) and almost everyone was horrifically embarrassed of their piece. Anyway, I was happy with the gouache aspect of this, but not really anything else or how it fit together. :/ (And Matt and Martin were also really excited about the gouache part. c: Just needed to brag a little.)

Also did an illustration of the short story/essay thing "Wall Street - The Story of What Happened to Our Intimacy" by Timothy Speed Levitch for my critical inquiry class. It's a quick ink portrait of Levitch transposed over a colored map of the Wall Street area. OH SO CLEVER AND ORIGINAL.

It was me on that road...

Just finished up another printmaking project - this time it was zinc plate etchings! We could do one print of whatever we wanted, and one had to be an illustration/accompaniment to an Edgar Allen Poe poem or short story.

So here's my "test print". I essentially copied an older drawing of a magpie out of my sketchbook and included the "One for Sorrow, Two for joy" poem. This is really cute and tiny, like maybe 3" by 3".

For my Edgar Allen Poe story I chose to illustrate "The Masque of the Red Death". So here's the original print, just printed with black ink.

 Printed with red ink (such a pain in the butt to do D:)

 And my favorite, and what I would consider the "final print" is the etching printed on top of a flat red printed surface.

Sorry to everyone who's waiting on an octopus - don't worry, I haven't forgotten you! I'm hoping to get some time this week to finally print some more. These ones are also up for trade/sale, so if anyone wants a magpie or one of the red death prints let me know!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ink Sketchings...

Nothing very exciting today unfortunately - finals are a-brewin in most of my classes.

 My drawing teacher's husband came in and modeled for us on Monday - he's the head of the bass department at Peabody conservatory, so he played his double base for us and we drew him.
This first one's in pen and ink.


The rest are done with sumi brush - my teacher is super into making me work gesturally recently. :/ Which is fine and all, but it usually means I blow through an entire pad of paper in class and get like two drawings that I actually like. This one's my favorite.

Pen and ink/ sumi/ colored led sketch in the same class of a girl in front of me. Wish I hadn't put in that stupid gestural stuff. :/ And that's the end of my first sketchbook this year! I've already started a new one.
Btw, I lied, she didn't have horns on.