Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fashion + Movies

Style dolls for the last two weeks  - I've been having a lot of fun discovering new designers to dress them in.

Also, last week for my Jr. Illustration class, we had to re-design a movie poster from a list of "classic" movies given to us my our teacher. I chose to do Blade Runner - I'm pretty happy with the result, I tried a couple of new techniques when I was coloring this, and I think the majority of them were really successful. It was a really fun project to work on, even if it prevented me from sleeping for most of the week. 

Typography Jam

I hope I don't bore too many of you with this, but I always appreciate some good typography, and I've been pretty pleased with the work I've been making for my type 1 class. So here's a compilation of almost every project we've done for the class so far.